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Air preheater
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Air Preheater Company
An air preheater is a common term to describe any device designed to heat air before another process.An air preheater is a device used to preheat air before it enters a combustion chamber. It is used to increase the efficiency of a boiler by recovering heat from the flue gas that would otherwise be wasted. The air preheater also helps to reduce the amount of fuel needed to heat the air.

Air preheaters consist of a series of tubes, typically made of metal, which are arranged in a coil or serpentine pattern. The hot flue gas passes through the tubes while the air passes around the outside of the tubes. Heat is transferred from the hot flue gas to the air as it passes through the tubes. The air is then heated to the desired temperature before entering the combustion chamber. Air preheaters are typically classified as either regenerative or recuperative. Regenerative air preheaters use a heat storage material, such as ceramic bricks or metal plates, to store heat from the hot flue gas. This stored heat is then transferred to the incoming air. Recuperative air preheaters use a heat exchanger to transfer heat from the hot flue gas directly to the incoming air.

Air preheaters are typically divided into two main types: tubular and plate. Tubular air preheaters consist of a series of tubes arranged in a coil or serpentine pattern. The hot flue gas passes through the tubes while the air passes around the outside of the tubes. Plate air preheaters use a series of metal plates, typically made of stainless steel, to transfer heat from the hot flue gas to the incoming air.

Air preheaters are used in many different types of combustion systems, including power plants, industrial boilers, and furnaces. They are typically used to increase the efficiency of the system by recovering heat from the flue gas that would otherwise be wasted. They can also be used to reduce the amount of fuel needed to heat the air before it enters the combustion chamber.