Many mining companies are following the following steps to extract gold from the earth surface. As technology improves more and more mining techniques are being discovered to make the work simple.
Literature Survey:
In India lot of government agencies are taking out verification surveys on gold mining. Among those agencies there are two main agencies. They are Geological Survey of India and Mineral Exploration Corporation of India. Already in many parts of India, these agencies have undergone surveys of extensive regional and underground exploration for gold. Collection of all these data forms the initial step in exploration process.
Geological Mapping:
This mapping is done by using the photographs of the geographical area where gold is presented.
Identification of Gold Bearing Zones:
This step is carried out by collecting the sample stones from the favorable places and it will be sent for gold mineralization. If the rocks are uncovered then some geochemical methods like stream sediment and soil sampling will be used to find the gold anomalous areas. Based upon the results of the sampling the target areas will be fixed for the further process.
Three Dimension Sampling:
This sampling method is carried out by using two types of drilling. They are Reverse Circulation (RC) and Diamond Core Drilling. The RC drill is easily movable and the sample rock is obtained in the form of chips but in the diamond core drilling the sample is obtained in the form of solid core.
Estimation of Global Resource:
Based upon the previous step result (i.e.) length, width, depth, etc. a global resource of the gold deposit is estimated.
Pre-feasibility exploration:
Based upon the result of global resource estimation, further process will be taken place by using “Close Spaced Diamond Core Drilling” along with the dip and sampling of ore body to improve the reliability. This also helps to predict whether the deposit is mineral or not.
Feasibility Exploration:
This involves additional extensive sampling on the earth surface and underground by using closed space drilling, bench cutting and bench sampling etc. to extract gold. And the ‘Sluice Box’ will be used to filter the extract gold from placer deposits. Then the filtered particles will be sent for further process.