Non Silicate Minerals

Non Silicate

A mineral that does not hold the silica tetrahedron is termed to be a non-silicate mineral. The second chief combination of minerals is those composed of chemical structures other than the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. Non-silicate minerals are extremely different in their foundation and in its physical properties; and as such, are extremely significant for our understanding of a wide range of Earth processes. The majority basic group of non-silicate minerals is known as the native elements. These elements are those with chemical formulae consisting of an only one element. In the conversation of the polymorphs two significant native element minerals were discussed, graphite and diamond. Further minerals of this group comprise native sulfur, gold, silver and copper. The left over five main groups of non-silicate minerals are prepared based upon their anionic chemistry - the oxides, sulfides, sulfates, halides, and carbonates. Each of these groupings has extensively diverse chemistries; it is predictable that each will likewise exhibit different physical properties.

Non-Silicate Mineral


Non-Silicate minerals are brilliantly varied in their physical appearance. Almost unrestricted range of colors, sizes & shapes are displayed by well-formed crystals. Obviously, this geometric beauty and elegant equilibrium initially drew the scientists to the systematic study of minerals. Though, with advance study, scientists discovered that there exists an extensive range of both intrinsic and extrinsic physical properties possessed by minerals beyond those obvious ones listed above.