Sulfida Mining

Sulfide Mining

Mining is the method of tacking materials from the earth to get valuable metal ores like copper, zinc, and lead, which are known as target minerals in mining terms. Metal ores like copper, zinc and lead are minute quantities contrasted to the whole composition of the earth. Copper makes up only 0.0058% of the earth's crust by credence. Since these minerals are rare in a geological sense, sites for mining should have fairly elevated concentrations of the mineral.

Process of Sulfide Mining

The method of sulfide mining is broken down into five steps: :

• Exploration
• Development
• Mining
• Smelting and
• Refining and reclamation.

Exploration has mostly of testing the site to find if the source of the minerals is more enough to make mining the site valuable. Extensive core drilling and metallurgical mass sampling are the major tests that a concern will do during exploration. The concern will also find whether the mine will be an underground mine or an open pit mine. This is based on the profundity and size of the ore body.


Development has of all the activities which should take place prior to mining can occur. These comprise constructing surface structures, access roads, power lines and rail lines. If the mine is to be an underground mine, building of access and ventilation shafts will happen during development. For an open pit mine, development is the method of removing the rocks and soil covering the ore body.

Mining is the method of taking out the ore. This is done during a cycle of drilling and blazing the ore. The material that results from mining is called solid waste. This solid waste is cleaned with water and the sulfur dissolves out. Then the rock is loaded onto trucks to be transported to a refinery to be processed. The material left after the target minerals have been estranged is known as tailings. The tailings are taken back to the mining site where they are used to fill the gaps in the mine to augment support of the shafts.

Mining impinges on the groundwater table level. The mine acts like a massive well by pulling in water from the neighboring area. To keep the mine in process, the water has to be incessantly pumped out of the mine. This process is known as dewatering. Dewatering makes a cone of depression in the groundwater of the nearby area which may lower water levels in close by wells.

Smelting and refining has of three steps: roasting, smelting and converting. Roasting is utilized when the solid waste has elevated concentrations of sulfur. Iron in the concentrate is oxidized and taken out. Smelting bonds most of the remaining impurities into a melt by combining the ore with a silica matter and heating the solid waste to a lofty temperature. Converting drives off the sulfur from metallic sulfides, oxides any residual iron and eradicates it, leaving the target mineral. These 3 steps may lead to a metal that is up to 99% pure.

Reclamation is the rehabilitation of the mining site after the mine has been clogged. The goal is to restore the site to its novel condition. Hazardous waste disposal is an issue all through the mine's operation, but it is particularly vital after operation has ceased since proper disposal is necessary for clean groundwater.